Ask Me Anything

Ask Me Anything

Just for fun! Questions will be visible after I’ve answered.

Is this website ( open source! This Next.js site is so cool ;)


Updated 9 hours ago

What is one thing that people do not know about you, that you’d be afraid to tell people?

Recognition (see: ego) is one of my main motivators right now. I eagerly await the day where I stop giving a shit.


Updated 3 weeks ago

What do you do when (if at all) you've felt overwhelmed by the amount of potential things to learn on the internet? It can sometimes feel super exciting but also intimidating, especially as a newer designer.

I believe in "just in time learning" - most stuff you read online is rarely needed in the moment, often misremembered, and easily forgotten. When a problem is in front of you, dive in to learn what you need to overcome the problem. Ignore the noise.


Updated 3 weeks ago

What are the most important things to know as a product designer right now? (Hard or soft skills)

Most people are fine building mediocre software. Don't be a person who is fine building mediocre software. Strive for excellence in every aspect of what you do, the rest will follow.


Updated 3 weeks ago

Throughout your career, have you had a strategy or approach to becoming a better designer? If not, looking back on your growth as a designer, have you noticed any patterns in when you had big leaps forward? To set a baseline, my current approach is "Start reading and don't stop".

At many points where I found myself inwardly focused - for example, asking how I could get a promotion or climb the ladder - I turned that energy outwards to trying to solve business or team needs. This approach has worked out for me so far. Read more about the principal-agent problem, it's a life changing mental shift.


Updated 3 weeks ago

10 years ago this month, you started The Kollection. How do you think you handled having such a broad audience at such a young age? What are you most proud of from that project? What, if anything, would you have done differently?

Whoever this is - wow, wild that you know this! I'm really proud that some of the writers who volunteered on the team ended up with jobs in the music industry, are managing artists, and doing big things with their careers. That's so rewarding.

If I could have done it differently, I would have spent less time on merch, doubled down on quality over quantity, and continued investing in a product-oriented approach to music discovery, rather than continuing to run the flat blog structure that was the original backbone.


Updated 3 weeks ago

What are some of the best books you have read on design?

The fact that nothing comes immediately to mind is ... surprising, I suppose. I don't know that I've read a lot of designy design books.


Updated 3 weeks ago

Any tips for an engineer looking to go into design?

Spend time trying to fundamentally understand the software that you think looks good, feels good, or solves problems in elegant ways. Forcing yourself to articulate why something looks good, or "feels right" will make you notice things like typography hierarchy, color, spacing, iconography, copywriting, animation, haptics/sounds, and more.

Then start doing this for software you feel is bad. Why is it bad? How would you make it better?


Updated 3 weeks ago

How do you stick to your annual goals? (For example, write it down and post it on the wall )

Yearly notes + quarterly reviews for personal stuff, and then for work things I just try to follow through on the things I said I was going to do on each previous performance review.


Updated 3 weeks ago

How's your Chinese learning progress?

Embarrassingly, I slowed down a lot in the back half of this year. At the beginning of the year when I was spending time there, the motivation was high and activation energy required to dip in was low. But now that travel is a unknown thing of the future, it's hard to activate the learning mode on any given day.


Updated 3 weeks ago

Is your blog/website based off of a Jekyll theme? Would love to know more!

It's a custom Next.js app - the code is here


Updated 3 weeks ago

What is your favourite part of the GitHub Mobile app?

The team. I get to work with some really great engineers who respect design and love to make things look + feel great to use. That's my happy place!


Updated 1 month ago

The place you visited where you would return immediately. You have 10 seconds. Thanks!

Tokyo, any time.


Updated 1 month ago

Why don't you use tags for your posts?

There aren't enough posts to need tag organization yet! Maybe if I have a lot of public writing on here someday, it will make sense.


Updated 1 month ago

What’s your favourite cheese?

That Cowgirl Creamery triple-cream soft cheese, or whatever it's called. Bless that cheese.


Updated 4 months ago

When you started building this blog, did you use any theme as base or started from the scratch?

Started from scratch! But it's also a bunch of components, colors, and styles I've been slowly iterating on over the years, so there was a bit of a personal foundation.


Updated 4 months ago